Juan Manuel Blanes

Juan Manuel Blanes, pintor uruguayo. En todas sus obras, dentro del academicismo de las reconstruciones históricas y a diferencia de los pintores románticos europeos, buscó valores nacionales íntimos.…

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Iniciar un diálogo siempre es un poco difícil y lo es más aún cuando se han vivido tantos años juntos y apenas nos conocemos. Lo que si es fácil es verter opiniones dispersas de diferentes temas que nos atañen a todos y…

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The silence

There once was a story about a man who could turn invisible. I thought it was only a story… until it happened to me. Ok, so here’s how it works: there’s this stuff called Quicksilver that can bend light. Some scientist made…

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There once was a story about a man who could turn invisible. I thought it was only a story… until it happened to me. Ok, so here’s how it works: there’s this stuff called Quicksilver that can bend light. Some scientist made…

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My Car

There once was a story about a man who could turn invisible. I thought it was only a story… until it happened to me. Ok, so here’s how it works: there’s this stuff called Quicksilver that can bend light. Some scientist made…

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Ballet Girls

There once was a story about a man who could turn invisible. I thought it was only a story… until it happened to me. Ok, so here’s how it works: there’s this stuff called Quicksilver that can bend light. Some scientist made…

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New to DSLR

There once was a story about a man who could turn invisible. I thought it was only a story… until it happened to me. Ok, so here’s how it works: there’s this stuff called Quicksilver that can bend light. Some scientist made…

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